Brew malt into tailored experiences.

The right technology to help you track trends, make decisions on brew style changes, and automate the marketing work for your team to generate customers retuning more often.

executive summary

Small local breweries and cider-works face a unique set of challenges in the rapidly growing but highly competitive beverage industry. Their focus on handcrafted, premium products often comes at the expense of scalability and resource availability.

Starting with limited team skills and marketing budget, it often seems difficult to reach a wider audience and establish brand recognition. Aligning customer experience with brand values is often flawed, putting an extra strain on profitability and highlighting how operators are often more artisan than experienced CEO.

By leveraging digital channels, adopting customer relationship management (CRM) software, and better integrating e-commerce solutions, these businesses can effectively reach a wider audience, grow customer loyalty, and increase repeat business.

Lucas McCarthy

Chief brew artisan,
The Brew & Cider Co, Sydney, Australia

The Problems Faced

Beer production scales better than higher margins and sales.

In the last decade it seems like every town has seen at least a few breweries popping up. The industry has become very crowded and the large industrials are fighting hard to claim back their market-share.

There are several challenges, but Troly has a solution for them.

Problems you face

Solution by Troly

Limited marketing reach

Finding effective ways to market their products to consumers can be a challenge, as there is a lot of competition for attention.

Innovate on segmentation

Understand more than beer styles. Segment your customer and marketing effort on customer values and advanced product preferences.

With Troly you measure metrics with more granularity and have the tools to automatically bring back customers.

Competition is plentiful

The craft beer and cider industries are increasingly crowded, with new breweries and cideries opening up all the time. This can make it difficult for local businesses to stand out from the crowd.

Drive margins through customer loyalty

From the buy-10-get-1-free to the commitment-based subscriptions, with Troly you gain the capability of driving repeat sales with a modern approach.

From pre-allocations, to upgrades and downgrades, to exclusive invite-only offers, and loyalty points, and pre-payments, and commitment tracking.

Regulations create work

Making beer and cider is one of the most regulated industries, subject to a variety of rules, which can be complex and time-consuming to comply with.

Automate your compliance

With automatic tracking and reporting on every purchase, destination and customer details, Troly automatically records compliance details you need.

Including sales taxes for their food versus alcohol; shipping taxes; county taxes; interstate and international shipping compliance. You are covered.

The Solutions Available

Turn products into pre-committed sales, reliably.

Local breweries play a social role in our communities. While many ignore that, but not the most technologically-ready. Detecting and acting on marketing trends is essential, and advanced skills are no longer required to targeting specific customer segments.

What are your opportunities and how Troly automates them?

Your goals

How Troly helps

Focus on quality over price

Leverage your own story and day-to-day to educate consumers about your reality. The benefits of buying locally made products, and the difference it makes in taste and sustainability, are undeniable.

Price-elasticity made easy

Use a technology like Troly to track customers, and also measure the willingness to pay for product against different customers and channels.

You already know some customers are willing to pay more for your products. Now get certainty.

Turn your brand into an experience

You already make good products, so make sure that every interaction with your brand is just as good. From in-person, to online, to word-of-mouth sales.

Automate repetitive branding effort

Turn your 1-on-1 ad-hoc conversations with customers into a brand building exercise. Use Troly to ensure customers receive more information about your your story, your operation, your values and your impact the local supply-chain.

With Troly you get help to better highlight the reason why local economies need local brewers like you.

Leverage your Most Valuable Customers

Find out who are your most loyal, most vocal, and most profitable customers, and turn each of them into an advocate for your business and product.

Turn relationships to advocacy

Using a technology like Troly allows automating some of the relationship building effort, and helps turn and track your most vocal advocates.

Those customers who help generate sales and awareness are very important and Troly suggests avenues to making them feel special.

Craft breweries are very well positioned to match products to customers values.

Drive recurrent subscription sales and VIP events without the needs for a marketing degree or sales background. Discover how others seamlessly brew better experiences for their customers.

No card required, no inconvenient sales call or demo, no wait!


Breweries shift gear to drive repeatable revenue.

Using the right technology will help you sell at the right price and with lesser effort. The survival rate of local breweries is not influence by lack of access to skilled marketing or production volume.

New packaging, products and smart bundles

After launching "The Hop Discovery" club, the business was able to group together over 900 loyal supporters paying $40 per month for the benefit of receiving an exclusive 6-pack.

Lucas is now measuring his product development and knows which segment to market to, thanks to Troly's innovative purchase analysis capabilities.

Drive online sales without touching your website

Updating a website has never been fun, and never added value to his business.

Lucas chose Troly who can connect to any existing website and keep all customers, products, inventory and sales information flowing magically.

Lucas is now better focus on making great products and creating new labels.

Drives new sales with word-of-mouth

Instead of paying upfront for marketing work and searching for the most appropriate 'influencers' in his network, Giovanni unleashed technology and eliminated the guesswork.

Using the referral tracking capabilities in Troly, he was able to accurately discover and reward (after the fact) his top-10 customers for talking to their friends and referring in new sales & club members. He called it a win-win-win!

Brew better margins with automated marketing

As suggested by the Troly opportunity engine® most customers were very engaged and appreciated the better quality of Lucas' products.

Activating the auto-marketing and price tracking features of Troly has increased his overall margins, making each sale more fair on his business, and more valuable to customers.